Signs of a Plumbing Leak

There are some plumbing leaks that are very obvious. For example, if you have water pouring out of a pipe in your basement, you should call an emergency plumber right away. However, there are other leaks that are tougher to spot. Watch this video to see how to tell if you need plumbing services serving Elmhurst.

You may not be able to see a leaky plumbing pipe behind a wall, but if the paint on that wall is chipping or you see a discolored spot on it, it could be a sign of a plumbing leak. Likewise, large wet spots will often form on ceilings when leaky pipes are located above them. In both of these situations, you should have an emergency plumber come out to assess the damage right away. You can prevent a more dangerous plumbing emergency by fixing leaks quickly before they cause bigger issues.